Data for "Dominance-related contributions to collective territory defence are adjusted according to the threat"

Published: 5 August 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/trb75pkfyk.1
Jennifer York


data for analyses in: York, Wells and Young, 2019. "Dominance-related contributions to collective territory defence are adjusted according to the threat". Animal Behaviour. column descriptions for each file: 1. ANBEH_A_DATA GROUP - unique social group identifier DSID - unique individual identifier SEX - observed sex: M=Male, F=Female, U=Unknown STATUS - social status: DOM=Dominant, SUB=Subordinate FIRSTPARTICIPATED - did this individual contribute during first response: Y=1, N=0 EVERPARTICIPATED - did this individual contribute during remainder of trial: Y=1, N=0 GROUP.NUM - number of individuals resident in the group at the time of the trial 2. ANBEH_B1_DATA GROUP - unique social group identifier TREATMENT - playback treatment, low threat (neighbour) or high threat (stranger) STATUS - social status: DOM=Dominant, SUB=Subordinate DSID - unique individual identifier LAT.FIRST - latency to first response (sec) LAT.RETURN - latency to return to forage (sec) 3. ANBEH_B2_DATA GROUP - unique social group identifier TREATMENT - playback treatment, low threat (neighbour) or high threat (stranger) DUR.FIRST - duration (secs) first chorus GROUP.NUM - number of individuals resident in the group at the time of the trial NUMBER.FIRST - number of individuals in first group response PROP.FIRST - proportion of the group in first group response



Animal Behavior
