Data for: Parametric Strategy on Passive Design Affordances in Cool-humid Climate Zones of North-East India
Published: 27 June 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/trftk2v3vj.1
Khuplianlam TungnungDescription
The paper is a strategy of low-energy passive design in Delhi, India through the analysis of advanced passive climate charts, surveys, and parametric simulations to predict the building's thermal performance and adaptation in Indian contexts. As a passive design principle and strategy, various climate zones affordances had been shown to respond to peoples' needs: economic supplement (low-energy) and environmental symbiosis through adaptation of architectural elements and lifestyles. These data is available online at Japan National Diet Library Digital Collections & Kobe Design University, Japan, Academic Repository Persistent ID: info:ndljp/pid/10370502 Kobe Design University Academic Repository:
Architecture, Climate, Passive Design, Passive Solar Thermal, Parametric Method, Building Thermal Comfort, Birth Environment, Synergism, Bioclimatic Architecture