ENDBOSS source code and demonstration
Source code for ENDBOSS: Industrial endpoint detection using batch-specific control spaces of spectroscopic data, including a demonstration of the code on relevant and publicly available data from the INDPENSIM simulator. For our publication introducing ENDBOSS with this demonstration, please see: - Offermans, Tim, et al. "ENDBOSS: Industrial endpoint detection using batch-specific control spaces of spectroscopic data." Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 209 (2021): 104229. - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016974392030664X For the original INDPENSIM data used in this work, please see: - Goldrick, S., et al., Moden day monitoring and control challenges outlined on an industrial-scale benchmark fermentation processes. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2019. 130 - https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/pdnjz7zz5x/1
Steps to reproduce
For details, please see 'readme.txt' in the ZIP-archive. Reproduction of the ENDBOSS results on the demonstrator case can be obtained by running 'indpensim_endboss.m' in Matlab, using the root folder of that archive as the working directory.