ENDBOSS source code and demonstration

Published: 17 February 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/tst5583273.2


Source code for ENDBOSS: Industrial endpoint detection using batch-specific control spaces of spectroscopic data, including a demonstration of the code on relevant and publicly available data from the INDPENSIM simulator. For our publication introducing ENDBOSS with this demonstration, please see: - Offermans, Tim, et al. "ENDBOSS: Industrial endpoint detection using batch-specific control spaces of spectroscopic data." Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 209 (2021): 104229. - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016974392030664X For the original INDPENSIM data used in this work, please see: - Goldrick, S., et al., Moden day monitoring and control challenges outlined on an industrial-scale benchmark fermentation processes. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2019. 130 - https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/pdnjz7zz5x/1


Steps to reproduce

For details, please see 'readme.txt' in the ZIP-archive. Reproduction of the ENDBOSS results on the demonstrator case can be obtained by running 'indpensim_endboss.m' in Matlab, using the root folder of that archive as the working directory.


Radboud Universiteit, Radboud Universiteit Institute for Molecules and Materials


Experimental Design, Multivariate Analysis, Chemometrics, Industrial Process, Chemometrics Software, Statistical Analysis
