Computational simulation data and FORTRAN code to compare the stress response of two transversely isotropic hyperelastic models in ABAQUS

Published: 16 November 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/tszvwzkckh.2
Carlos Castillo-Mendez


We presented the numerical simulation data obtained by implementing a user material subroutine (UMAT) in the finite element commercial package ABAQUS. The simulation data correspond to the stress response of two transversely isotropic hyperelastic models on homogeneous and non-homogeneous deformations. The first model depends on both anisotropic invariants (I4 and I5) to describe the fiber reinforcement. The second model only depends on the anisotropic invariant I4. Since the first model is not found in the ABAQUS material library, we presented a FORTRAN code for a UMAT subroutine



Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


Computational Mechanics, Biomechanics, Finite Element Methods
