Dynamic engagement of cognitive control in intra-sentential code-switching during comprehension
The current dataset relates to the manuscript titled "Dynamic engagement of cognitive control in intra-sentential code-switching during comprehension" which examined whether the deployment of cognitive control was modulated by the intra-sentential code-switching types during comprehension. L1-dominant Chinese-English bilinguals were administered a self-paced reading task in two reading contexts, namely, alternation context and dense code-switching context. We assessed language switch cost and reversed language dominance effect in the self-paced reading task and examined how these language control measures related to domain-general inhibition and monitoring capacities. A Flanker task was used to measure domain-general inhibitory (indexed by the conflict effect, i.e., the performance difference between incongruent and congruent trials) and monitoring (indexed by the global response times in the task) skills. The results showed a larger switch cost asymmetry in alternation context compared to dense CS context. In addition, bilinguals’ inhibition skills were associated with second language (L2) switch cost in alternation context, while monitoring tended to predict the language dominance effect in dense code-switching context. These findings suggest that alternation context exerts high requirement to reactive inhibition while dense code-switching context tends to induce proactive monitoring during comprehension. We conclude that intra-sentential code-switching types trigger different aspects of cognitive control during comprehension.