Data for: Suspended sediment fluxes in a shallow macrotidal estuary
Published: 7 November 2019| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/ttprc6d3hg.4
Susanne Moskalski, , Romaric VERNEYDescription
Timeseries of water level, tidal velocity, backscatter, suspended sediment concentration, and sediment flux derived from acoustic doppler current profilers. Sediment fluxes calculated according to Dyer decomposition equation and Yu et al. (2012) analytical model. Two deployments in 2013: February and September. Two locations in the estuary: Site 1 near the mouth of the river (48° 16.842’ N, 004° 16.009’ W), and Site 3 in the central estuary (48° 14.851’ N, 004° 10.140’ W). Yu, Q., Wang, Y.P., Flemming, B., Gao, S., 2012. Tide-induced suspended sediment transport: Depth-averaged concentrations and residual fluxes. Continental Shelf Research 34, 53-63.
Sedimentology, Geological Oceanography