effect of psychosomatic factors on stomatgnathic system among health care students
physical nd psychological factors collectively can be called as psychosomatic disorder which is a medical ailment or set of symptoms brought on by psychological reasons that also poses a threat to the person's well-being. This study aims to study to investigate the impact of physical and psychological factors on stomatognathic system among health care students. Research is conducted by forming google form questionnaire including questions related to physical and psychological factors, questions related to facial pain and questions related to stomatognathic dysfunction like gingival recession, linea alba and tongue crenation. At the end of data collection and after analyzing it, it was found that psychological and physical factors does not have much significant effect on stomatognathic system, very less number of participants were having any kind of facial pain due to any psychsomatic factor, level of linea alba, tongue crenation and gingival recession was also very low .
Steps to reproduce
This research was done by framing questionnaire in form of google form including question from perceived stress scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, questions related to temporomandibular joint area was obtained from TMD-Pain screener form from DC/TMD Assessment instrument. To obtain result, questionnaire was analyzed using microsoft excel 2021 and spss software.