Hourly electricity load profiles of paper producing and food processing industries

Published: 19 March 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ttx9chkdcg.1
, Luis Ramirez Camargo


The data provided are synthetic hourly electricity load profiles for the paper and food industries for one year. The data have been synthetized from two years of measured data from industries in Chile using a comprehensive clustering analysis. The synthetic data possess the same statistical characteristics as the measured data but are provided normalized to one kW and anonymized in order to be used without confidentiality issues. Three CSV files are provided: food_i.csv, paper_i_small.csv and paper_i_large.csv containing the data of a small food processing industry, a small paper industry, and a medium-large paper industry, respectively. All the three files contain seven columns of data: weekday, month, hour, cluster, min, max, mean. The four first columns index the data in the following way: Month: it includes the range of integer values between 1 and 12 accounting for the consecutive calendar months of a year starting in January (1) and ending in December (12). Weekday: this column has integer values in the range 1 to 7 that are equivalent to the consecutive days of the week starting on Monday (1) and ending on Sunday (7). Hour: it consist of integer values ranging between 1 and 24, which describe the hours of a day. Cluster: The column “cluster” represents the cluster to which this data is associated to. The number of clusters is different for each load profile, as well as the number of days included in each cluster. Since the cluster were calculated for days, a cluster number covers 24 consecutive points of data. The load profile data are provided in the three different columns: min, max and mean: Min: this column provides the min value of the cluster at that time of the day. Therefore, it represents the minimum demand of electricity recorded in all the days belonging to this representative group of data. Max. This column provides the maximum electric load of the cluster at that time of the day. It represents the maximum demand of electricity in all the days belonging to this representative group of data at that hour of the day. Mean: This column provides the average electric load of the cluster at that time of the day. It represents the mean demand for electricity belonging to this representative group of data at that hour of the day. The min, max and mean values are different for each hour of the day. All values are provided in values from 0 to 1 with the unit kW. For details on the clustering procedure or the data itself please refer to the associated paper published in the journal Energy and the one published in Data in Brief journal. The study was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research - BMBF and the Chilean National Commission for Scientific Research and Technology - CONICYT (grant number BMBF150075) , the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH through the Energy Program in Chile, and the European Research Council (“reFUEL” ERC-2017-STG 758149).



Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, Universitat fur Bodenkultur Department fur Wirtschafts und Sozialwissenschaften


Energy Engineering, Energy Modelling
