Hohokam-Area Faunal Troika Data
This data file includes summary data for an analysis of zooarchaeological abundance at archaeological sites in the Hohokam culture area of the US Southwest. Columns Site: Name of the archaeological site (note that assemblages from different phases or periods within a single site are listed on separate lines). ConsolidatedPeriodCode: Time period of the assemblage, as grouped for the analysis (A=Middle/Late Archaic, B=Early Ceramic/Pioneer/Colonial, C=Sedentary, D=Classic). SiteNum: State of Arizona archaeological site identification number. Lagomorpha: The proportion of lagomorphs out of lagomorphs, artiodactyls, and rodents. Artiodactyla: The proportion of artiodactyls out of lagomorphs, artiodactyls, and rodents. Rodentia: The proportion of artiodactyls out of lagomorphs, artiodactyls, and rodents. TotalNISP: The total number of specimens identified at any taxonomic level, including those outside the classes Lagomorpha, Artiodactyla, and Rodentia. Richness: The count of taxa at the genus level (or higher where no genera are identified within a family or class). Evenness: The inverse of Simpson's Index (Simpson 1949; Hill 1973) for proportions of specimens in the classes Lagomorpha, Artiodactyla, and Rodentia. References Hill, M.O., 1973. Diversity and evenness: a unifying notation and its consequences. Ecology 54:427–432. Simpson, E.H., 1949. Measurement of Diversity. Nature 163:688.