Datasets on Flow State Evaluation, USE Questionnaire, and Motion-Tracking Glove Integration in SELFEX: An AR and Screen-Guided Training Solution

Published: 4 September 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tvcxfhxpnz.1
, Dario La Carrubba, Angel Dacal-Nieto, Marcos Villar-García


This database contains the results from questionnaires gathered during user testing of the SELFEX solution, a training system utilizing motion-tracking gloves, augmented reality (AR), and screen-based interfaces. Participants were asked to complete paper- and tablet-based questionnaires after interacting with both AR and screen-guided training environments. The data provided allows for a comparative analysis between the two training methods (AR vs. screen) and assesses the suitability of the MAGOS hand-tracking gloves for this application. Additionally, it facilitates the exploration of correlations between various user experience factors, such as ease of use, usefulness, satisfaction, and ease of learning. The folder is divided into two types of files: - PDF files: These contain the three questionnaires administered during testing. - "dataset.xlsx": This file includes the questionnaire results. Within the Excel file, the data is organized across three sheets: - "Results with AR glasses": Displays data from the experiment conducted using Hololens 2 AR glasses. Participants are anonymized and coded by gender (e.g., M01 for the first male participant). - "Results without AR glasses": Shows data from the experiment conducted with five participants using a TV screen instead of Hololens 2 to follow the assembly training instructions. - "Demographic data": Contains demographic information related to the participants. This dataset enables comprehensive evaluation and comparison of the training methods and user experiences.


Steps to reproduce

The data was collected during different tests in an industrial environment using the SELFEX equipment and software. Expert operators recorded an assembly task, and 17 participants in total executed the training using the Hololens, while 5 of those participants also completed the training using a TV screen. The order of execution (AR first or screen first) was randomized to control for order effects. A demographics questionnaire was completed by participants at the beginning of the test, while the other questionnaires were filled out after each training session.


Mondragon Unibertsitatea


Industrial Engineering Training, Augmented Reality, User Experience Evaluation


EIT Manufacturing

23134 (2023 Innovation call)
