Reappraising the production and transfer of hydrogen atoms from the middle to the upper atmosphere of Mars at times of elevated water vapor
Published: 11 April 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/tvv7c6m3cz.2
Franck MontmessinDescription
These data are the result of a box model that can compute the photochemical evolution of an air parcel submitted to changes in density, pressure, temperature, and atmospheric composition on Mars. It mimics the ascent of an air parcel at a speed of 10 cm/s that corresponds to the approximate speed at which upward transport is expected to occur during dusty events and around the southern summer solstice. The actual file content is described in the Readme.txt file accompanying the data files deposited. Each event simulated has its specific file, that is Martian Year (MY) 34 Global Dust Storm, Perihelion, as well as MY35 Perihelion and C-storm.
Laboratoire Atmospheres Milieux Observations Spatiales
Photochemistry, Planetary Science, Mars, Atmosphere Modelling