The effectiveness of social network interventions for psychiatric patients: Dataset of a systematic review and meta-analysis

Published: 18 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tx62fvtjhz.1


Datasets of a systematic review and meta-analysis examining the effectiveness of social network interventions for psychiatric patients. > 'Datafile complete dd 17-1-2023' contains all data extracted from included studies. > 'Datafile R Mendeley dd 2-2-2022' contains all data used in the final analysis. More information about this study can be found in the article (Swinkels, Hoeve, ter Harmsel, Schoonmade, Dekker, Popma & van der Pol, 2023; accepted in Clinical Psychology Review).


Steps to reproduce

See supplemental material of the article (Swinkels, Hoeve, ter Harmsel, Schoonmade, Dekker, Popma & van der Pol, 2023; accepted in Clinical Psychology Review) for the coding instrument, which includes a data dictionary defining each field in the dataset.


Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC Locatie VUmc Divisie 1, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Arkin


Psychiatry, Meta-Analysis, Social Support, Social Network


Stichting tot Steun Vereniging tot Christelijke Verzorging van Geestes- en Zenuwzieken

