Optimization of milling parameters for natural zeolites to enhance adsorption of heavy metals

Published: 4 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tx68xmhjvh.1
Mario Wangi


Natural zeolites were milled by optimizing the parameters. To produce zeolite powder, a planetary ball mill was used to mill natural zeolite. x samples of natural zeolite were milled under controlled conditions. The milling rotational speed will be varied between 1 - 2 and the milling time for dry milling. Test samples were prepared in a steel jar protected with jacket of zirconium oxide to avoid samples being contaminated. The grinding jars will be arranged eccentrically on the sun wheels of the planetary balls. The developed powder was characterized for composition, morphology, size, size distribution. So, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used to study the surface morphology and composition of zeolite nanoparticles, X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray powder Diffraction (XRD) will be used to determine the morphology, mineral phases and crystalline structure. The optimized parameters were used to produce zeolite samples which were used for adsorption purposes.


Steps to reproduce

Natural zeolite was collected from Mt. Elgon Milled in the lab with optimized parameters Tested for adsorption of heavy metals


Makerere University College of Engineering Design Art and Technology


Engineering Research Data Management


World Bank under the African Center of Excellence in Materials, Product development and Nano-Technology, MAPRONANO, Uganda
