Effects of heat acclimation on cardiac function in the intertidal mussel Mytilus californianus: can laboratory-based indices predict survival in the field?

Published: 3 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ty323496p8.1
Nicole Moyen,


Data for the manuscript entitled: Effects of heat acclimation on cardiac function in the intertidal mussel Mytilus californianus: can laboratory-based indices predict survival in the field? published in JEB 2022. See below for data specifics of each file.


Steps to reproduce

1) Experiment 1 data: TcritChanges_USE.csv are the data for experiment 1 in the manuscript. "Time" column indicates Tcrit test 1 or 2. Note that the Tflat (FLT) is written for timepoint =1, but was collected on timepoint 2. "Survived" column: 1 = died, 0 = survived. 2) Experiment 2 data: See the 'Part2Experiments_USE.csv' file that has the time-series data for HR & body temp, along with the Tcrit, Tflat (FLT), heat load, etc. 3) Experiment 3 data: For Experiment 3, you can use the csv file: '35CAcclimationTests_2021-05-04.csv', where the 'Group' column denotes HEAT acclimation group or CON (control group). The 'TrialType' column indicates whether it was the SUB (i.e. sublethal heat stress bout = heat acclimation bout) or the EXTREME (i.e. extreme heat stress bout at 40C). Note that the control group only went through the extreme heat stress bout. For the time-series HR and body temperature data (i.e. Fig. 4B), you can look at the csv called: 35CAcclim_HR+BodyTemps.csv. Grouping by the `MusselID` column will allow you to make individual plots, and the same 'Group' & 'Trial' columns apply as mentioned a few sentences above. Note that HR and body temps were noted every 15 min, and for the sake of time-aligning all mussels which were tested on different days & at different times, all mussels were given the same time points in the day for graphing purposes (but the time between data points is still accurate). For actual start & end times of the trial, see the '35CAcclimationTests_2021-05-04.csv'. 4) Field data: Data used from Helmuth et al. HMS_robomusseldata_04-14.csv To apply the exceedence curve to the Tcrit data from Experiment 1 for the field dataset use the file: OverallTcritFLTtests.csv (i.e. Fig. 2B & 7). The analysis for just the dead mussels from Experiments 2 & 3 (i.e. Fig. 5) see file: 'Exp2&3_deadmussels.csv'


Stanford University


Bivalvia, Temperature, Heart Rate
