Research Data Management Services in Academic Libraries of India: A Survey
The collection, storage, preservation, and sharing of data gathered and used in a research project is referred to as research data management (or RDM). It entails the day-to-day administration of research data during the course of a research project's lifespan. It also entails deciding how data will be stored and shared once the project is finished (for example, depositing the data in a repository for long-term archiving and access). The National Science Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, and many other international research funding bodies have made the production of a data management plan (DMP) as part of improving RDM a requirement for receiving research funding. Foreign academic libraries throughout Europe, America, and Australia provide Research Data Management services, which are regarded as one of the most important library services. However, in Asian and African libraries, such services are either unavailable or in the early stages of development. The purpose of this survey is to gather information on the present state of Research Data Management services at India's academic libraries. The data were collected from the working LIS professionals (Librarians, Deputy Librarians, Assistant Librarians, Library (and Information) Assistants, Information Scientists, Professional Assistants, Semi-Professional Assistants, etc.) of academic libraries (N= 186 (n1 + n2)) in India which includes Central Universities (CUs) (n1=54) and Institutions of National Importance (INIs) (n2=132). We have sent the questionnaire to all the working professionals of these academic libraries.