Dataset on Analysis of Users and Nonusers (Acceptance of Public Cloud Storage Services in South Korea)

Published: 8 August 2019| Version 5 | DOI: 10.17632/tybx7gmw5s.5
, Sang Woo Kim, Young-woo Sohn


This is raw data for empirical study, “Acceptance of Public Cloud Storage Services in South Korea: A multi-Group Analysis”. This study amied to explore the differences and similarities between users and nonusers in the context of public cloud storage services of South Korea. 526 samples in South Korea were collected through an online survey. Data (users = 210; nonusers = 187) were analyzed using structural equation modeling. SmartPLS 3.0 tool was used for data analysis with a proposed research model. The data is uniquely characterized by focusing on individual-level voluntary technology acceptance within a non-organizational context. The data set is available for other researchers. There are some tips useful. ○ The file 2 is raw data about previous studies regarding cloud computing adoption at individual level. This raw data is summarized in Table 1 of this research paper, depending on study focus and model used. ○ To conduct exprimental repetability, you just follow "steps to reproduce" mentioned the below.


Steps to reproduce

First, if you were a Korean-speaking researcher, you can use the survey questionnaire in Korean version (1. Survey questionnaire in Korean). If you were an English-speaking researcher, you can use Appendix A (Appendix A_Measurement Items) on the original manuscript. Second, you can find three excel files in the raw data. The file “3. Original total dataset (526)” was initially collected data. The file “User Data (210)” and "Nonusers Data (187)" was obtained from three screening questions for this study’ purpose, suggested by “4.2 Data Collection” of this research paper. You can test the file “4. User Data (210)” and “5. Nonusers Data (187)” for experimental repetability. If you use SmartPLS 3.0 for your repeatability, you do not have to use both files [“4. User Data (210)” and “5. Nonusers Data (187)”] separately. SmatrPLS 3.0 allows you to test a multigroup analysis as a single file [a file combined 'User Data (210)' file and 'Nonusers Data (187)' file] without using each file.


Pohang University of Science and Technology


Cloud Computing, Technology Adoption
