Instances and Code of the Paper "The Path-Precedence Constrained Knapsack Problem with Unit Weights: Exact Algorithms, Linear Formulations and Instances"

Published: 11 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tyfkfhh8vx.1
SOR Shipping Operational Research Team


These files have all the data and code required to reproduce the experiments presented in the paper "The Path-Precedence Constrained Knapsack Problem with Unit Weights: Exact Algorithms, Linear Formulations and Instances". - The file PathPrecedenceConstrainedKnapsack-UnitWeights.ipynb is a Jupyter notebook with all the algorithms and formulations proposed in the paper. - The file instances_ppckp-uw.xlsx has all the instances described in the paper. The first worksheet presents the name of the instances, the capacity value considered and the optimal value obtained. The other worksheets show the data for each instance.


Steps to reproduce

In order to run the Jupyter notebook, it is required to have the a Python3 installed and have the following dependencies: Jupyter, openpyxl (for reading the excel file) PuLP 2.8.0 (for running the linear formulations).


Operations Research
