Datasets for the impact of position errors on crowd simulation
In this repository, we present our datasets of the experimental results from crowd simulation with three different stampede assessment methods, i.e., pressure method, force method, and density method. The datasets also contain the experimental results with Kalman filter for smoothing position noise. File Description 1. density_r1.xlsx - dataset with density method when the radius is 1 m 2. density_r1.5.xlsx - dataset with density method when the radius is 1.5 m 3. force.xlsx - dataset with force method 4. pressure_r1.xlsx - dataset with pressure method when the radius is 1 m 5. pressure_r2.xlsx - dataset with pressure method when the radius is 2 m 6. pressure_r3.xlsx - dataset with pressure method when the radius is 3 m 7. pressure_r4.xlsx - dataset with pressure method when the radius is 4 m Besides, the folder "kalman filter" contains ten files naming from kf-final-1.csv to kf-final-10.csv, which present the datasets with the mean position error ranges from 1 m to 10 m, respectively.