Electric car purchase intention
The dataset contains the data collected through an online platform and via emails from February 2020 to April 2020 from management students pursuing their postgraduate program in India. This data obtained to investigate and to identify the dimensionalities of electric car (e-car) purchase intentions among postgraduate management students in India. The collected data was cleaned by removing the invalid and straight-lined responses. The cleaned data includes 510 responses on 31 items that measures the management students’ intentions to purchase an electric car (e-car) on a five point Likert scale (strongly disagree-1 to strongly agree-5) besides the responses on demographic profile of respondents. Items included in the study were relevant to the factors Purchase Intention (PI), Technological Benefits(TB), Driving Convenience(DC), Charging Convenience(CC), Environmental Concern(EC), Social Benefits(SB), Economic Benefits(EB) and Government Policy(GP). After assessing the face validity, convergent validity and discriminant validity using appropriate measures, confirmatory factor analysis was carried out to assess the proposed model. SEM was used to test the hypothesis about the structural relationship among the factors.