Microscopic traffic data obtained from videos recorded on a German motorway
The presented microscopic traffic data was obtained from 15 videos recorded within project ESIMAS in a single traffic direction, with 5 cameras installed above the road, along a 1km tunnel section on the German motorway A3 nearby Frankfurt am Main. The videos were recorded in various traffic conditions between 7:35 am and 8:00 am. From this material 8305 vehicles were extracted within the project “Unfallrisikoabschätzung” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, Project number: 280497386). Despite the sometimes occurring dense traffic conditions, the vehicle’s discrete trajectories were determined with high accuracy using a software developed at the Institute of Highway Engineering (ISAC) at RWTH Aachen University. Studying the presented dataset, many stop-and-go situations can be seen at the macroscopic level of analysis, along with many vehicle interactions on the microscopic level. For more information on this dataset, please see the attached document.