Microscopic traffic data obtained from videos recorded on a German motorway

Published: 2 July 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tzckcsrpn6.1


The presented microscopic traffic data was obtained from 15 videos recorded within project ESIMAS in a single traffic direction, with 5 cameras installed above the road, along a 1km tunnel section on the German motorway A3 nearby Frankfurt am Main. The videos were recorded in various traffic conditions between 7:35 am and 8:00 am. From this material 8305 vehicles were extracted within the project “Unfallrisikoabschätzung” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, Project number: 280497386). Despite the sometimes occurring dense traffic conditions, the vehicle’s discrete trajectories were determined with high accuracy using a software developed at the Institute of Highway Engineering (ISAC) at RWTH Aachen University. Studying the presented dataset, many stop-and-go situations can be seen at the macroscopic level of analysis, along with many vehicle interactions on the microscopic level. For more information on this dataset, please see the attached document.



Traffic Engineering, Field Traffic, Traffic Congestion
