hiVOF: A software for high-order volume of fluid initialization on arbitrary polyhedra

Published: 17 January 2025| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/tzn58zt69d.1
Joaquín López


The hiVOF package implements a high-order accurate and efficient method for computing the fluid volume bounded by an arbitrary polyhedron, whether it is convex or non-convex, and an implicitly-defined fluid body with complex regions and even discontinuous gradients. The implemented method can be considered as a combination of high-order integrations based on simple Gaussian quadratures with recursive local grid refinements that manage the difficulties of local extrema without the need to directly handle multi-times intersected edges and internally-intersected faces. The hiVOF software is implemented in FORTRAN. Several test programs have been included in the supplied software package to asses the accuracy and computational efficiency of the implemented method for the volume of fluid initialization of fluid-bodies with complex interfaces of a high degree on structured and unstructured grids. OpenMP application programming interface is used to parallelize its execution in shared-memory architectures.



Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena


Computer Graphics, Computational Method in Fluid Dynamics, Volume Isosurfaces


Agencia Estatal de Investigación


Agencia Estatal de Investigación

