AQ, meteo and radiosoundings
-Data (*.txt in a zip file) from radiosoundings done in Barcelona (Palau Reial site, see Figure 1 in main manuscript). Data is provided by the Faculty of Physics (Universitat de Barcelona) and Meteocat. Each file is the data from a different a radiosounding. The filename defines the date of its execution, where the first two digits indicate the year, the next two indicate the month, the following two indicate the day, and the subsequent two indicate the hour (UTC). Columns are time (sec), altitude (m a.g.l.), pressure (hPa), temp (ºC), relative humidity (%), dew point (ºC), wind speed (knots), wind direction (º), VEF and NVF have not been used, and finally, latitude and longitude (º) -Data (one *.xlsx file) with AQ and meteo data observed at the surface. AQ data is provided by EEA ( and meteo data by Meteocat ( See Figure 1 in main manuscript for info on locations. Dates in UTC. O3, NO2 and NO concentrations expressed in microg/m3.
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