Building energy optimization using Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO): Source codes

Published: 9 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v358nd5f7k.1
M. Ghalambaz,


The building model and source codes for building optimization using Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) Extract GWO folder and then add it to Mat lab paths before run, so the software will know the GWO function. The building model, weather profile, and coupling codes are in base_code file. Make sure EP has been installed in correct address: such as C:\EnergyPlusV8-5-0\EnergyPlus.exe or update the address at line 20 of obj.m file. All codes are in compressed format and should be extracted before use.


Steps to reproduce

Computed GWO contains the computed results.


Energy Consumption, Building Energy Analysis, Building Engineering
