Dataset for the thermodynamic simulation of elemental tellurium and tellurium dioxide in alkaline cyanide solutions

Published: 16 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v36mshw5dr.1
Adrián Amilcare González-Ibarra


Below are the data employed to simulate the equilibrium diagrams presented in the article entitled “Dissolution behaviour of elemental tellurium and tellurium dioxide in alkaline cyanide solutions”. Most of the reactions are available in the Hydra database of MEDUSA© software along with their logarithms to the base 10 of the equilibrium constants (i.e., log K). However, it was complemented with the log K of some important reactions (e.g., which describes the formation of H2TeO3). Log K values were calculated form the ΔG°f reported in the scientific literature. The databases reported can be used to compare the equilibrium constant values, replicate the diagrams presented in the cited article, and simulate other aqueous systems (e.g., those employing alternative lixiviant agents as thiosulfate, thiourea, etc.).



Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila


Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Hydrometallurgy
