Ugandan crater lakes - profile and temperature logger data

Published: 22 February 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v3gk3m5wgc.1


This data set contains 276 water-column profiles and 35 continuous temperature time series from respectively 60 and 8 freshwater crater lakes in western Uganda, collected between 2000 and 2017 by the Limnology Unit at Ghent University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology. For details regarding the collection, processing and interpretation of these data, we refer to the attached information files Tlog_info.pdf and profiles_UG2000-2017_info.pdf, and the following publications: De Crop, W., Verschuren, D., 2019. Determining patterns of stratification and mixing in tropical crater lakes through intermittent water-column profiling: A case study in western Uganda. Journal of African Earth Sciences 153, 17-30. DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2019.02.019 De Crop, W., Verschuren, D., 2021. Mixing regimes in the equatorial crater lakes of western Uganda. Limnologica, in press. Data from the period 2000-2002 were collected in the context of project 3G0086.00 funded by FWO-Vlaanderen, data from the period 2007-2009 by project SD-BD-03A ‘CLANIMAE’ funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BelSPO), and data from the period 2013-2017 through a VLADOC PhD fellowship funded by the Flemish Inter-University Council on Development Cooperation (VLIR-UOS). All fieldwork was conducted with permission from the Uganda National Council for Science & Technology (UNCST) and the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), refs. NS21, NS471 and TBDP/RES/50. We thank Johnson Bwambale, Christine Cocquyt, Mike Creutz, Imke De Windt, Hilde Eggermont, Maureen Fagot, Vanessa Gelorini, Lore Goethals, Julie Lebrun, Nick Meynen, Angela Nankabirwa, Caxton Oluseno, Pierre-Denis Plisnier, Bob Rumes, Jim Russell, Silas Sluijs and Thijs Van der Meeren for field assistance.



Universiteit Gent


Lake Circulation, Conductivity, Physical Limnology, Oxygen, Uganda, Water Temperature
