Distinct relations of microtubules and F-actin with dendritic architecture.

Published: 3 December 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v3ncxmj6fn.1
Sumit Nanda,
, Daniel Cox, Giorgio Ascoli


Modelling and analysis for the paper. This includes data, images and codes. There are a total of four folders: 1) The model folder contains the tree generation model and the reconstructions of the three neuron types. 2) The analysis and figure folder contains code for generating the tables and figures in the paper including a folder containing the final set of figures. 3) The image-stack folder contains the neuronal images used in this study. 4) The Trees Toolbox folder contains the Trees toolbox, with a few additional functions written for this study.


Steps to reproduce

%%%for running the model%%% The model is based on local MT and F-act quantity. For each iteration, an open node within the artificial tree either elongates, bifurcates or terminates. This decision is based on the current compartments cytoskeletal composition. The model folder has three subfolders, for the three neuron types analyzed in the paper. To run the model, run the Auto_M_F_Sim_MHSorted.m file (within the "simfolder"), under every neuron type.The output .mat files will be generated within the "simfolder". Artificial reconstruction (swc) files can be created by running the "createSwCsMultiNeuBW.m" script in the "analysis" folder. Copy the .mat files (generated from the simulation) within the "analysis" folder, and then run the "createSwCsMultiNeuBW.m" script.


George Mason University Bioengineering Department, Georgia State University, George Mason University


Data Modelling, Genetics, Neuroscience
