Sectoral Collective Wage Agreements Data for Greece, 2005-2019
This data article describes a dataset of the main sectoral collective wage agreements signed in Greece between 2005 and 2019. The authors have read through the text of the collective agreements and codified the information provided therein. Information on 70 or so variables for each agreement are presented together with quantitative aggregate information on the sector and the occupations to which the agreement pertains. More specifically, some 20 or so variables refer to general features of the agreement (e.g. duration, extension or otherwise, parties to the bargain, use of mediation/arbitration services for the conclusion of the agreement etc) while most of the remaining variables refer to the remuneration of two main occupational groups within each sector (basic wage, allowances). Finally, information on average wages and the employment in the sector from the Hellenic Statistical Authority and the Ergani administrative database are also included. The codification of these agreements can prove useful for economists, industrial relations experts and political scientists. The dataset was collected as part of the EU funded CoBExt project through grant VS/2016/0340. The study reflects only the authors' views. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information that the study contains.