Geochemical data on Cr-spinel in micrometeorites from modern Antarctic sedimentary deposits
This data repository contains back-scattered electron images for all 27 micrometeorites containing Cr-spinel studied in Van Maldeghem et al., 2024 (EPSL). The study analyzed Cr-spinel grains in a selection of micrometeorites from the Sør Rondane and Transantarctic Mountains (Antarctica) in order to determine their composition, formation and potential terrestrial alteration. We supply two geochemical datasets, both as excel spreadsheets. The first dataset (EMPA data) contains the electron microprobe data obtained using a JEOL JXA-8200 electron micro probe analyzer at the National institute of Polar Research (Tokyo, Japan). The second dataset contains the triple oxygen isotope ratios measured at the Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (Nancy, France).