Sustainability Determinants of NGO Projects in Lebanon

Published: 19 September 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v4v7778m5n.1


The dynamic and changing environment and the critical crisis in Lebanon make it hard for NGOs to survive and strive. This means that the NGOs should make the right decisions and implement strategies to cope with any environmental change. This research paper aims to find the following factors: Staff competency, Institutional democracy, project manager leadership style, stakeholder involvement, financing impact, environmental impact, and governmental policies that might influence sustainability. This research paper aims to test the relationship between those factors and sustainability. The quantitative method was used to determine this relationship. A questionnaire was designed and created to test the hypothesis and achieve the research objectives. The results of this study showed that there is a positive relationship between the factors and sustainability itself. The financial aspect then stakeholder’s involvement are the most significant factors that influence sustainability in NGOs in Lebanon. This is followed by staff competence and environmental impact. However, leadership, institutional democracy, and governmental policies have little impact on sustainability. This shows the importance of finance and stakeholders’ involvement when it comes to the growth and sustainability of NGOs. International NGOs in Lebanon must receive and maintain funding to sustain in this changing situation, in addition, stakeholders should be kept involved in project implementation of activities and plans. International NGOs must create and implement the right strategies to sustain and continue in these tough times in Lebanon.



American University of Science and Technology


Applied Sciences, Science, Antisense Technology, Cleaner Technology, Technology
