High spatial resolution mean wind speed grids from the Global Wind Speed Model (GloWiSMo)

Published: 2 May 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v57r8kn7th.1


Description GloWiSMo is applicable for mapping the wind resource available for wind power use worldwide on a 250 m spatial grid. For a detailed description of the underlying methods of GloWiSMo please refer to: “Jung C, Schindler D. Integration of small-scale surface properties in a new high resolution global wind speed model. Energy Conversion and Management 2020;210:112733. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2020.112733” The dataset contains: 1. Mean wind speed in 10 m The values of the grids are provided as integers. Please divide the values by 10 to obtain wind speed in m/s. 2. Mean wind speed in 120 m The values of the grids are provided as integers. Please divide the values by 10 to obtain wind speed in m/s. 3. Power law exponent The power law exponent can be used to extrapolate the 10 m wind speed to any wind turbine hub height. Please refer to “Jung C, Schindler D. The role of the power law exponent in wind energy assessment: A global analysis. International Journal of Energy Research 2021;45:8484-8496. https://doi.org/10.1002/er.6382” for a detailed description of how to extrapolate wind speed. The values of the grids are provided as integers. Please divide the values by 1000 to obtain the power law exponents. Files 1. Mean wind speed in 10 m (250 m x 250 m) 2. Mean wind speed in 120 m (250 m x 250 m) 3. Power law exponent (250 m x 250 m)



Wind Energy, Extrapolation, Wind, Wind Energy Potential, Fluctuation in Wind Speed
