A critical signal for phenotype transition driven by negative feedback loops

Published: 4 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v58stpfcnm.1
yao wang


A total of 91 women with menstrual cycles participated in the study, with an average age of 24.44 (±2.84). Each participant wore a wristband (Huawei or Fitbit) that could detect continuous heart rate for at least two months to record heart rate. Among them, 84 participants recorded their menstrual periods each month with an average age of 23.52 (±2.81), and 28 recorded the day of ovulation by using LH ovulation strips with an average age of 24.00 (±1.83), starting from day 8 of the menstrual cycle until positive results were obtained. The study collected a total of 80 ovulation records and 469 menstrual records. Additionally, 12 menopausal women and 15 men were recruited, with the average age of 57.08 (±5.44) and 38.80 (±10.82), and the same wristbands were used to collect heart rate data and compare them with women’s data. All volunteers were recruited during 2018-2020 through online advertisement. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were determined by an online questionnaire and an in-person interview. All subjects provided informed consent. The investigation conforms with the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the ethics Committee of Soochow University (ECSU-201800098). Menstrual and ovulation records are stored in menstrual_state_cell.mat and ovulation_state_cell.mat, respectively, where 2 indicates the occurrence of menstruation or ovulation and 1 indicates the absence of menstruation or ovulation.



Menstrual Cycle, Ovulation, Heart Rate
