Data of three different experiments for moisture and heat transfer properties of chair seats

Published: 20 December 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v5wrdfkbpn.1
, Kazuo Nagano


These are three types of experimental data files for clarifying the moisture and heat transfer characteristics of chair seat surfaces. The file "dataset-exp1.csv" contains the changes in surface humidity on 10 different upholstery samples after spraying the mist. The file "dataset-exp2.csv" contains the changes in surface humidity over time after spray misting the seat surfaces of four types of chairs: cushioned chairs made with wool, acrylic, and PVC upholstery, and wooden chairs without cushioning. The file "dataset-exp3.csv" contains the changes in heat flow rate and surface temperature of the wool, acrylic, PVC, and wood seats mentioned above, when a silicone rubber heater was placed on the seats and heated. All three files are provided in UTF-8 with BOM (Byte order mark).



Permeability, Humidity Studies
