Adjusted power of resting state EEG data in typically fluent and adults who stutter
The data presented here is from a study of 23 fluent speakers and 23 adults who stutter as they sit at rest with their eyes open and during the execution of a syllable repetition task. The data was recorded from 128 channels using EGI geodesic nets. ICA was applied so that component weights were the same for rest and syllable execution. Procedures for conducting ICA, experimental procedures (including a stimulus timeline), and findings of event-related spectral perturbations (ERSPs) in the syllable repetition task and their relationship with syllable repetition accuracy in this dataset can be found here The data presented here is an analysis of 5 minutes of eyes open resting-state and syllable execution with the same IC weights. The data show relatively lower beta spectral peaks when controlling for 1/f in AWS compared to TFA (see folder Summary data).
Steps to reproduce
The data were generated using preprocessing procedures detailed in "Lower nonword syllable sequence repetition accuracy in adults who stutter is related to differences in audio-motor oscillations" To reproduce findings, data and script can be found in the parameterization folder.