Systematic Literature Review Dataset

Published: 7 June 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v6h5bf52jh.1
isobella Grover, Julianne O'Reilly-Wapstra , Shaun Suitor, Darla Hatton MacDonald


Ecosystem accounting is a systematic approach that combines environmental and economic data to track the full physical and monetary value of natural capital and can be applied at various spatial scales and for a range of purposes. The main objective of this research is to identify where and how ecosystem accounting has been applied in the specific context of forest resource management. The research questions explore on what geographic and organisational levels System of Economic Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA) Ecosystem Accounting (EA) consistent ecosystem accounts have been compiled and identify gaps and challenges that may exist in the context of forestry. To address the objectives of the research, a systematic literature review was conducted. The uploaded data file contains the information extracted from the total (partially and fully analysed) publications (n=122) and a description of the variables examined in the review of the fully analysed publications (n=9).


Steps to reproduce

The systematic literature review was guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Two databases: Google Scholar and Scopus were systematically searched for keywords in March 2022. The search string that was used to search databases was (“System of Environmental-Economic Accounting” OR “SEEA”) AND (“ecosystem accounts”) AND (“forest ecosystem” OR “forest estate” OR “forestry”) AND (“timber” OR “harvest”). The search was restricted to English publications published between 2012 and March 2022. There were a total of 343 search results across the two databases. Supplementary material was included in order to capture all relevant forestry-specific ecosystem accounting publications. A total of 7 publications were included in the supplementary material and these were identified through background research and searching references captured in the systematic literature review. An additional search of the Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) and SEEA (United Nations) Knowledge Centres’ during March 2023 was undertaken. The search of the Knowledge Centres was conducted by filtering for “forests” on both databases and applying the same date restrictions. A total of 141 publications were identified in the WAVES (n=105) and SEEA (n=36) Knowledge Centre databases. After the screening process of the total 491 publications, the final screening identified a total of 122 publications that would be included in the partial analysis. Of the total, 9 publications were fully analysed.


University of Tasmania


Literature Review
