Appendix - Web apps quality criteria for people with disabilities: a systematic review

Published: 22 October 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v82mkhn9nc.1


Title: Web apps quality criteria for people with disabilities: a systematic review The complete query string and filters used for each digital library are included in Supplementary Appendix 1. The five final criteria were: Content, design, functionality, usability, accessibility. The Supplementary Appendix 2 includes the complete detail of the frequency matrixes and a summary of each paper grouped by the concepts mentioned. There were 18 sub-criteria and researchers either provided them with definitions or searched for it in the studies found. The complete dimensions and criteria are included in Supplementary Appendix 3. Appendix 1: Search strategy in select databases Appendix 2: Analysis - Classification Appendix 3: Criteria



Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Universitat d'Alacant


World Wide Web, Software Quality Assurance, Application Software
