Genotype-by-environment effects caused by previous land use as a basis for the selection of loblolly pine progenies
Published: 16 July 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v877636bc6.1
Bruno Marchetti de SouzaDescription
Two progeny tests were installed in southern Brazil. In FARA, 52 open-pollinated Pinus taeda progenies were tested, and in TUNAS, 65 open-pollinated P. taeda progenies were tested, 35 of which were common to both tests. FARA is a rotation area previously used for annual agronomic crops, while TUNAS is an area for replanting loblolly pine forests. The diameter at breast height and total height were measured after six years, and the wood volume was calculated.
Forestry, Pinus taeda, Plant Breeding