Designing and Evaluating Corrosion Sensing Coatings for Marine Environments
Photographic data sets from the result of various environmental exposures of various corrosion sensing coating samples. The sample combinations are PhPh & epoxy on steel, TB & epoxy on steel, PhPh & epoxy on TSZA coated steel, TB & epoxy on TSZA coated steel, PhPh & polyester on steel, TB & polyester on steel, PhPh & polyester on TSZA coated steel, and TB & polyester on TSZA coated steel. The environmental exposures included, laboratory immersion, salt spray cabinet, offshore, and onshore coastal. The hypothesis of the research was two fold. Firstly it was thought that corrosion sensing coatings would detect corrosion in all the above defined environmental exposures. And secondly that their would be a reduction in the corrosion protection of the corrosion sensing coatings in comparison to control samples as assessed by a rust assessment (BS EN ISO 4628-3:2016). The results demonstrated some corrosion sensing for all polymer/dye/substrate/environment combinations with the exception of PhPh & polyester on TSZA which did not sense in any environment. Rust assessment of the results demonstrated little difference in corrosions protection performance between the corrosion sensing coatings and requisit control coatings in any environment.
Steps to reproduce
Spray acetone solution of 0.001M dye (50ml) to blasted or thermally sprayed sample substrates. Electrostatically spray powder coating to substrate and cure in the oven. Check powder coating thickness with a polymer thickness gauge. Protect rear face, edges, and mounting holes of samples with type 45 stopping off lacquer. Mount samples in requisit environment and expose for required duration, photograph samples periodically. Remove samples from environment at the end point of the exposure period.