2D near-surface seismic data from the Late Jurassic Hanifa Fm outcrop - Wadi Birk, Central Saudi Arabia: Shallow marine carbonate platform sediments equivalent to Arabian subsurface reservoirs
Six 2D seismic lines varying in length, geophone interval, and shot spacing were recorded in March 2019 from the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian – Early Kimmeridgian) Hanifa Fm outcrop – Wadi Birk, Central Saudi Arabia. The primary objective of these seismic data is to complement outcrop data with behind-the-outcrop geophysical images for a three-dimensional facies interpretation. The longest profile was a 600 m-long 120 shot-120 receiver line with a 5 m shot and receiver interval, while the shortest line was a 96 m 96 shot-96 receiver profile with a 1.5 m shot and receiver interval. The receivers were 30 Hz vertical P-wave geophones, and the seismic source was a 500 kg accelerated weight drop mounted on a 4x4 extreme utility vehicle. The recording length for all lines was 500 ms with a 0.5 ms sampling interval and a central frequency of ~120 Hz. The data is sorted as shot gather in SEGY format with the receiver and shot coordinates provided as excel spreadsheets. A pdf file summarizing the processing steps and one example of the processed line in SEGY format is provided as an example.