District heating energy efficiency of Danish building typologies: Datasets and supplementary materials

Published: 16 June 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v8mwvy7p6r.1
Martin Heine Kristensen


*************************************** Title: District heating energy efficiency of Danish building typologies: Datasets and supplementary materials Version: 1.0 Date of Release: 2020/09/01 Identifier: doi:10.17632/v8mwvy7p6r.1 Permalink: http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/v8mwvy7p6r.1 Associated publication: Kristensen, MH & Petersen, S (2020) "District heating energy efficiency of Danish building typologies" Energy and Buildings XX. Link to publication: Submitted for publication in Energy and Buildings Citation: Please reference the associated publication above when using any datasets or materials described here. Contact information: Martin H. Kristensen, (1) AffaldVarme Aarhus, 8200 Brabrand, Denmark [mahkri@aarhus.dk], or (2) Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus [mhk@eng.au.dk] *************************************** This directory contains the following datasets and supplementary materials based on the aggregated and anonymized results from an analysis of hourly district heating data from approx. 42969 buildings located in the municipality of Aarhus, Denmark. Data are pre-processed in accordance with the methods described in the associated publication. Dates of data collection: 2018/01/01 00:00 - 2018/12/31 23:00 (8760 hourly time steps). Geographic location: Aarhus, Denmark. (A) Dataset and grouping categories * Dataset.csv: Heating data organized in a 42969x13 data table in .csv-format. * Dataset.mat: Heating data organized in a 42969x13 data table in .mat-format (MATLAB). * ApplicationCategories.pdf: Definition of application categories. * AgeGroups.pdf: Definition of age groups. (B) ANNUAL HEATING ENERGY USE INTENSITY (EUI) * EUI_tabular.xlsx: Summary statistics of EUI data in .xlsx-format (Excel). * EUI_tabular.mat: Summary statistics of EUI data in .mat-format (MATLAB). * EUI_boxplot_Main.pdf: Boxplot of EUI data grouped by main application category and age group. * EUI_InteractionEffect_Main.pdf: Plot of the group mean interaction effect +/- 95% error interval of the mean effect. (C) ANNUAL RELATIVE DAILY VARIATION (Ga) * Ga_tabular.xlsx: Summary statistics of Ga data in .xlsx-format (Excel). * Ga_tabular.mat: Summary statistics of Ga data in .mat-format (MATLAB). * Ga_boxplot_Main.pdf: Boxplot of Ga data grouped by main application category and age group. * Ga_InteractionEffect_Main.pdf: Plot of the group mean interaction effect +/- 95% error interval of the mean effect. (D) ANNUAL RELATIVE COOLING TEMPERATURE (dTrel) * dTrel_tabular.xlsx: Summary statistics of dTrel data in .xlsx-format (Excel). * dTrel_tabular.mat: Summary statistics of dTrel data in .mat-format (MATLAB). * dTrel_boxplot_Main.pdf: Boxplot of dTrel data grouped by main application category and age group. * dTrel_InteractionEffect_Main.pdf: Plot of the group mean interaction effect +/- 95% error interval of the mean effect.


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Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus Kommune


District Heating, Denmark, Building Heating
