Zidres Law, land and foreing invesment

Published: 15 April 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v8rr3ggpsp.1
Maria Andrea Bocanegra Jiménez


Research hypothesis: The Zones of Interest for Rural Development, economic and social, are a form of land concession, conceived in the Colombian legal system, to promote agrarian alliances between farmers and investors, generate challenges and contradictions between fundamental rights and economic, social and cultural aspects of the peasant population and their property rights over land, facing the position of economic dominance that capital and industrial investors can come to exercise. Data shows The data used are: Statistical data from the Colombian Department of Statistics on Land Uses in the country The data shows that of the total land that is for agricultural use, the Zidres are 16.9% and those for agricultural use only are 19.7%, therefore, we are facing land use through the Zidres with a significant impact in the national context, so that the investment and economic internationalization of the country through this route acquires relevance The educational level of farmers in Colombia reaches basic elementary Low participation in associations and/or scenarios political participation does not allow to take advantage of the projects to be implemented in the Zidres Other data used by laws such as the Zidres law and complementary norms and the judicial decisions of the courts of justice in Colombia The Colombian Constitutional Court has developed a Corpus Iuris of peasant rights in the development of the constitution: i. the right to food, ii. Minimum vital, iii. Right to Work, iv. Freedom to choose profession or trade, v. Free development of personality and vi. Right to participation The data is available in Spanish, because it is the official language in Colombia and to preserve its quality and veracity.



Law, Civil Rights, Agriculture Land Use, Colombia
