Dataset for the paper entitled "Real-time command strategies for microgrids based on the Contract Collaboration Problem"

Published: 31 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v8xvwpjpmz.1
Mario Costa Levorato Junior


Dataset for the paper entitled "Real-time command strategies for microgrids based on the Contract Collaboration Problem". You are free to use the instances in the zip file, if you cite the following work: @article{Levorato2020, author = {Levorato, M. and Figueiredo, R. and Frota, Y. and Jouglet, A. and Savourey, D.}, journal = {To be published}, title = {{Real-time command strategies for microgrids based on the Contract Collaboration Problem}}, year = {2020} } Instances description ================================= 1) full_intances: the 3 microgrid instances used in the main experiments: - A_instance2_1NDU_Cons : the *Cons* microgrid instance, with only the consumer uncertain system; - A_instance2_1NDU_Prod : the *Prod* microgrid instance, with only the producer uncertain system; - A_instance2 : the *Prod\&Cons* microgrid instance, with both uncertain systems (producer and consumer). For each instance, there are 3 files, each one for a group of randomly generated scenarios: - <instance_file_prefix>_1000s_skewed-left.txt : left-skewed beta distribution with parameters $\alpha=5,\beta=2$; - <instance_file_prefix>_1000s_skewed-right.txt : right-skewed beta distribution with parameters $\alpha=2,\beta=5$; - <instance_file_prefix>_1000s_uniform.txt: uniform distribution. The randomly-generated scenario values are located in the end of each file. 2) toy_sensitivity: reduces microgrid instances used in the sensitivity tests. Each file corresponds to a specific combination of model cost parameters, and the filename follows this mask: OC<OC_cost>_Ct_<fixed_contract_price>_DS<DS_cost>_ST<ST_cost>_NDU_<NDU_profile>_<distribution_type>.txt The parameters OC_cost, DS_cost, ST_cost follow the values listed in Table VI of the aforementioned paper. (caption: Energy cost parameters in sensitivity analysis). <distribution_type> can be one of the 3 distributions used in the work (skewed-left, skewed-right or uniform). The <fixed_contract_price> used was 'default'. The <NDU_profile> used was 'default'. Again, the randomly-generated scenario values are located in the end of each file.



Avignon Universite, Heuristique et diagnostic des systemes complexes, Universidade Federal Fluminense


Robust Optimization, Energy Supply Contract, Microgrid, Smart Grid
