Cryo-EM structure of the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex reveals the molecular mechanism of scaffolding functions. Rotheneder et al.

Published: 29 December 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v93tby2spy.1
Erik van de Logt


Figure S1A: Marker plus lane on the left side included in the Figure Figure S4D, gel: 6 lanes from the right side of the marker included in the Figure Figure S6E, anti-Actin, left blot: all lanes except marker included in the Figure Figure S6E, anti-Actin, right blot: all lanes except marker included in the Figure Figure S6E, anti-Nbs1, left blot: all lanes except marker included in the Figure. Figure S6E, anti-Nbs1, right blot: all lanes except marker included in the Figure. Figure S6F, upper gel: Marker plus 6 lanes on the right side included in the Figure Figure S6F, lower gel: Marker plus 6 lanes on the left side included in the Figure Figure S6J, anti-Vinculin: marker lane and second lane from the right side not included in the Figure Figure S6J, anti-Rad50: marker lane and second lane from the right side not included in the Figure Figure S7C: Marker plus lane on the right side included in the Figure



Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen


Biochemistry, Mass Spectrometry, DNA Repair, DNA Damage
