Knowledge, attitude, and food safety practices among university students in Kilimanjaro region, northern Tanzania

Published: 28 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v99zfx2ssv.1
Genitheresia Masiku,


Data was collected to assess Knowledge, attitude, and food safety practices among university students in Kilimanjaro region, northern Tanzania. With the study questions adopted from a study done in Ethiopia (Aznaw et al)The overall proportion of good knowledge, attitude, and food safety practices were 82.6%, 78.4%, and 31.9%, respectively.


Steps to reproduce

The questions were adopted from a study done in Ethiopia (Aznaw et al),with Food safety knowledge was assessed using six questions requiring binary responses, Food safety attitudes were assessed using nine Likert scale questions, with three-response choices from “agree” to “disagree" and Food safety practices were assessed using eight questions in a 5-point Likert scale with choices ranging from “never” to “always,” .Then with Bloom’s Cut-off points, the KAP among study participants was grouped into three levels,80.0%-100.0%,60.0-79.9%.


Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College


Food Safety
