Data for: Estimation of Cercospora Leaf Spot Disease Severity in Table Beets from UAS Multispectral Images

Published: 13 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v9b7rwrwx9.1


This dataset comprises multispectral images collected via Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) over study plots at Cornell Agritech in Geneva, NY, USA. The images capture various crop conditions and are paired with assessments of disease severity, specifically CLS (Cercospora Leaf Spot). Data Collection: The multispectral imagery spans two collections: * Multispec_2021_2022: Contains images with five spectral bands (475 nm, 560 nm, 668 nm, 717 nm, 840 nm), collected during the 2021 and 2022 growing seasons. *Multispec_2023: Includes imagery from four spectral bands (560 nm, 650 nm, 730 nm, 860 nm), collected in the 2023 growing season. File naming convention: Each image file is named according to the plot number and the date of capture, using the format plt_rYYYYMMDD, where: * 'plt' stands for the plot number. * 'YYYYMMDD' represents the date on which the image was captured (year, month, day). For example, the file name 5_r20210715 corresponds to an image taken on July 15, 2021, from study plot 5. Disease Severity data: File named CLS_DS contain visual assessments of CLS disease severity, noted for each plot.



Cornell University, Rochester Institute of Technology


Aerial Camera, Precision Agriculture, Image Analysis


Love Beets USA and New York Farm Viability Institute


National Science Foundation

PFI. 1827551
