Impact of Windfall Tax on Market Dynamics: A Cournot Oligopoly Model with Exogenous Shocks

Published: 21 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v9c852hkzd.1


This dataset accompanies the paper " Impact of Windfall Tax on Market Dynamics: A Cournot Oligopoly Model with Exogenous Shocks," which investigates the nuanced effects of windfall taxes on market equilibrium. Utilizing the Cournot oligopoly model and the 0-1 test for chaos, the research analyzes how profit taxation influences market stability and competition under bounded rationality. The findings suggest that while higher taxes can mitigate collusion and promote competition, they have varying impacts on markets depending on their stability states. The dataset enables the replication of our analysis, providing detailed information on the simulation parameters and code used in our study. Usage: This dataset is intended for researchers, economists, and policymakers interested in the effects of windfall taxes on market equilibrium within an oligopoly framework. It provides a foundation for further exploration of tax policies and their implications for market stability and competition.



Vysoka Skola Banska-Technicka Univerzita Ostrava


Firm Behavior, Chaos Theory, Bifurcation Analysis, Taxation, Bounded Rationality, Oligopoly
