Counterproductive work behavior and Task Performance: Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy
This study was conducted to examine the mediating role of workplace envy in the relationship between employees' counterproductive work behavior and task performance in Pakistan's banking sector. Data was acquired from 269 people using web-based survey and questionnaires were measured on a five-point liker scale. For data analysis, SMART PLS was used to check reliability, correlation, and regression. The findings show CPWB has a significant relationship with task performance (β=0.284, p=0.000). Results of this research also confirmed the function of workplace envy in mediating the relationship between CPWB and task performance (β=0.147, p = 0.021). In contrast, self-efficacy was employed as a moderator to reach the desired level of performance (β=0.183, p = 0.000). As a result, companies should employ this crucial psychological skill of self-efficacy to deal with the negative aspects of unproductive work behavior and workplace envy in order to achieve overall organizational success. Discussion of the significance of these findings and recommendations for future research are suggested.
Steps to reproduce
A web-based survey was conducted and data was analyzed using SMART PLS