Relationship Between Job attitude and Promotions: Basis for Career Advancement

Published: 18 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/v9s3yr64ps.1
Joel Mark Rodriguez,
, Matthew Orejola


This study examines the signifacant relationship between job attitude and promotions in selected electronics companies in Metro Manila, Philippines. Focusing on whether specific attitudes contribute to career advancement, the research utilized a questionnaire to assess job involvement, efficiency, and organizational commitment among 305 employees from companies like Advantix Marketing, EMF Corporation, Gakken Philippines, Kolin Inc., and ASERCO. Analysis using Descriptive and Pearson correlation revealed significant relationships: Job involvement, with a mean of 3.6557, shows a positive correlation (r = .284, p = .000) with promotion, indicating that higher levels of emotional and mental investment in work tasks enhance promotion chances. However, job involvement exhibits a negative correlation with years at the company (r = -.291, p = .000), suggesting a decline in enthusiasm over time. Job efficiency, with a mean of 4.2180, correlates positively (r = .301, p = .000) with promotion, indicating its importance in predicting advancements. Organizational commitment, with a mean of 3.8623, also correlates positively (r = .190, p = .001) with promotion but to a lesser extent than job involvement or efficiency, suggesting that while commitment is valuable, promotions are more closely tied to daily job performance. These findings underscore the significance of engagement and efficiency in enhancing promotion prospects and suggest strategies for talent management and career development within organizations.


Steps to reproduce

To reproduce the dataset used in this study on factors influencing employee promotion prospects, researchers should first design a Likert scale questionnaire to measure job involvement, job efficiency, organizational commitment, and relevant demographic and employment variables. Obtain ethical approvals and recruit a representative sample of employees from various departments within an organization. Administer the survey, collect responses, and gather organizational data on promotion occurrences and tenure. Enter and manage the data, then conduct statistical analysis using software like SPSS or R, focusing on correlation analysis between job involvement, job efficiency, organizational commitment, tenure, and promotion. Interpret the findings within the context of existing literature on employee advancement and HR practices, validate results, and document the methodology for reproducibility and transparency.


Rizal Technological University


Management, Job Satisfaction, Job Attitude, Promotion, Human Resource
