PRBS data for AVSA and identified Hammerstein models

Published: 6 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vbdhn43c8y.1
Ali Javadi


Five data sets of measured data are given for five different voltage difference levels: PRBS_VD1.mat, PRBS_VD2.mat, PRBS_VD2.mat, PRBS_VD2.mat, PRBS_VD2.mat Each data include input PRBS signals applied to the AVSA input voltage and measured link position by encoder. The functions LS_fun.m and Hammer_fun.m are used to obtain linear (least-square method) and nonlinear Hammerstein models from input-output data correspondingly. Identification.m is the main m-file which can be used to plot the input-output data and obtain linear and nonlinear Hammerstein models. Please select the data set based on desired voltage difference at first section. For example, to choose voltage difference of 3V, uncomment load PRBS_VD3.mat and comment other data sets. After running the Identification.m file, first figure shows the PRBS input voltage and the measured link position. Second figure represents the comparison of LS and Hammerstein models with real measured data. The last figure demonstrates the nonlinear static function part of the identified Hammerstein model. In addition, the Hammerstein model parameters and comparison of RMSE for LS and Hammerstein models are given as tables in command window of Matlab.



Chulalongkorn University


Soft Actuator
