Experimental data set from a GFRP experimental benchmark case for validating the simulation of mode I fatigue-driven delamination in composite laminates
This data repository provides the raw and processed data to reproduce the experimental fatigue test results presented in the article entitled "Benchmark test for mode I fatigue-driven delamination in GFRP composite laminates: Experimental results and simulation with the inter-laminar damage model implemented in SAMCEF" by the same authors. In this work, experimental results from a demonstrator specimen made of a non-crimp fabric laminated Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) used in the wind energy industry are provided. The selected benchmark case shows varying crack growth rates and crack front shape over the fatigue life, making it more representative of structures in service than coupon specimens. The test configuration, the methodology and the data processing are addressed in the related article. Data from Figure 7 is provided here. Five coupon specimens were tested to obtain the mode I inter-laminar fatigue crack growth rate curves. The Matlab scripts for data treatment are also included. In addition, data from Appendix B is provided. Three demonstrator specimens were tested to provide crack front geometries during the fatigue testing. In addition, a complete set of elastic, fracture and fatigue properties for the material are provided in the article. This data set, in conjunction with the associated article, constitutes a comprehensive benchmark test against which existing or future delamination growth models can be evaluated.
Steps to reproduce
Details on methods used to obtain the data are provided in the related article.