Published: 26 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/vc2mby2n48.1
Md Siddique Hossain MD S HOSSAIN


Abstract : With an emphasis on India, this study examines how religious identity, social conventions, and political beliefs interact with one another. The author examines cultural prejudice, religious bigotry, and the politicisation of religion via a personal story. The author analyses the effect of historical narratives, the dynamics of Hindu-Muslim relations, and the expression of communalism in current politics, drawing on experiences from educational institutions and society interactions. By highlighting the difficulties of maintaining one's religious identity in the face of political rhetoric and cultural norms, the paper argues for a more complex view of secularism and communal peace. Keywords: Religious identity,. Social conventions, Political beliefs, Cultural prejudice, Religious bigotry, Communalism, Historical narratives, Hindu-Muslim relations. Introduction : Patriarchy and religious observances are two of the many topics discussed in this in-depth study of prejudiced perspectives on religious practices. Other topics included include cultural standards, early effects, religion, identity, and historical narratives. While stressing the constitutional need of secularism in opposition to political Hindu fanaticism, it critiques oversimplified historical viewpoints and opposes Hindutva politics. An examination of religious and political views in modern Indian culture, as well as the author's own experiences, highlights the complex nature of identity. This introductory section gives the reader a taste of the article's complex argument, which centres on the author's critical view of religious politics and social conventions in India.


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Conclusion : Finally, the offered study elucidates the intricate relationship between religious practices, identity politics, and biassed views within social and educational contexts. The need of critically reflecting on one's own prejudices and misunderstandings is highlighted when one examines religious manifestations such as prayer, chanting, and meditation. Exploring the links between sexism, secularism, and political radicalism, the tale questions conventional historical narratives. By calling for a more complex and inclusive approach to religion and identity in modern discourse and education, the discourse ultimately stresses the need of encouraging true understanding and tolerance in the face of differing religious views and social conventions.


Bangabasi Morning College


Research Article
